Beginners Photography Theory.

Are you thinking of clicking some of the great photographs around you? here you go...! but First thing first ... know your concept.

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The word photograph was mentioned in 1839 by Sir John Herschel and with roots form Greek phos: light and graphe: drawing and together means drawing of light

For every great shoot all you have to take care of 5W1H and that is (what, where, when, why, who and how) … don’t worry we’ll get into all this in moment.


 Look over my shoots on :


Now we get to the point


This is where majorly everything comes under. Why do you want to be a photographer? There are many answers to the question such as, hobbit, passion, job, and what not. But remember when every there is fun in what you are doing there is always getting best out of your work. No matter what you are doing. All you need is to enjoy you stuff

Example: you love making photo shops and you hate to click photo. On one day on some of your big deal would be stop due to privacy policy of photo you have edited.

      This is why knowing why you are going to shoot is important. as an hobby 


                   You should know that what are you going to shoot ?, as this gives you idea of stuff like needs of Needs of extra lighting or not, or type of lenses you will need and so on and so forth.

                   There could be anything you can shoot like flower(closeup), mountains(landscape), cities at early morning or sunset (urban), colored sky (scattering effect), milk way (night sky) and many more in the list.

                        Example: you can have great scene of clicking the photos but you carried DSLR for water rafting were as you should be aware of have waterproof GO Pros.

This is why knowing what you are going to shoot is important


                    You should be aware of where you are shooting as it determined your perspective

                     Skills. For example, bird eye view, human eye view, or ant eye view. As if you are shooting a car you can have ant view to look it more realistic, for shooting mountains you can have human view, and for urban cities you can have bird eye view.

                      Example: you can have great scene of clicking the photos but you carried zoom in lens for a family religious functions and forgot the list.

This is why knowing where you are going to shoot is important


A photography is all about timing. By this I mean, you should know you comfort zone and in which time you get the best shoot. What I do is wake up early in the morning, arrive location before the sun rises and then shoot the best nature light photos. Even we could term as capturing the moment is import.   

Example: while having shoots all you need to talk of natural light as it is the best ways of having least photo shops.

This is why knowing when you are going to shoot is important.


By this it means if you are going to have portrait photography. all you need is while uploading the his all agreements of upload, launching, releasing, and all social active that he/she is willing taking part in shoot and will not be having any offense until it is in positive manner.

Example:  if you are selling your stuff online in any website you need to take care of the terms and conditions applied on the photo and in the photo.

This is why knowing whom you are going to shoot is important.


The area where you should be good at, as this is the utmost thing you have to take care to be physical and mentally present with knowledge of all above you can do this.

Example: you are having every bit of above mention knowledge but what if you don’t know the clicking as such you are comfortable with some specific DSLR and at insane you have Go Pro.

This is why you be knowing basic of every camera around you.


Didn’t remember all the points ... it is okay example is every thing

By that I’ll conclude all the points in one example.

Photography of milky way

night sky

Firstly, why to shoot: it should be crystal clear why do you want to shoot. It could be for fun, for selling, client requirement, understanding settings, projects, competitions or something like this. As for now I am to set an example.

  • Then, what to shoot: we have clear idea what do we want to shoot and that’s the milky way.
  • Then, where to shoot: the place we select should be having least light pollution which are likely to be outskirts of the urban areas.
  • Then, when to shoot: probably time should be night but obvious with clear, no moon day. As we want least amount of light to get enter in the photo. And should be knowing the location of the stars by using some website or app as a source.
  • Then, who to shoot: many of us confuse between what and who but it’s quite simple. As if what is more related or tend toward nonliving objects or non-specifics where as who is more to specific objects like human or animals with their names. For this example, we have nothing to do with WHO.
  • Then, how to shoot: it has predefined camera setting for shooting night stars. With summary points Manual Exposure, Single Shot, ISO to 400, 800 or 1,600 based on light around, aperture of 15-20 sec, Auto-focus Off, File Format to Raw (or Raw + JPEG), contrast and color saturation to normal if shooting JPEG s, Turn off flash, exposure to Bulb, Use a remote release to open the shutter. And you will have a perfect of milky way.


Talking about the being beginner into photography field.

There are few points to be note down,

Make sure that you don’t loose hope and try improving it, start sharing clicks with you friend and ask them to make you aware about mistake you made, and try to click on manual by understand nature lights and atmosphere.

Hope the one reading this found them self to new edge and with opening new basics of photography.


~ Aaditya Rasala


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